Conversational Artifacts
in collaboration with Chloë Engel
Created in conjunction with The Space is a Body and You Are In It. Three risograph printed, spiral bound booklets of interviews and conversations about the process and relationships that went into developing the game.
Created in conjunction with The Space is a Body and You Are In It. Three risograph printed, spiral bound booklets of interviews and conversations about the process and relationships that went into developing the game.
In The Room is an essay by Nora Raine Thompson on the experience of playing one of our game campaigns. As a performance studies scholar, dancer, and dear friend, Nora weaves personal reflection, theory and quotations
Chloë Interviews Anna / Anna Interviews Chloë. Chloë Engel interviews me and I interview Chloë Engel as a way to capture our personal and collective histories and better understand how they contribute to our work together. Essays are bound together in separate orientations, physically representing the co-authorship inherent to our collaborative relationship.
Anna, Sam, Chloë is a collectively edited conversation between Chloë, Sam Burhoe and I in which we grapple with power, consent, and harm in improvisational and imagined spaces. In the middle is a fold out of the paper we used to highlight and track the conversation as it happened.
Chloë Interviews Anna / Anna Interviews Chloë. Chloë Engel interviews me and I interview Chloë Engel as a way to capture our personal and collective histories and better understand how they contribute to our work together. Essays are bound together in separate orientations, physically representing the co-authorship inherent to our collaborative relationship.
Anna, Sam, Chloë is a collectively edited conversation between Chloë, Sam Burhoe and I in which we grapple with power, consent, and harm in improvisational and imagined spaces. In the middle is a fold out of the paper we used to highlight and track the conversation as it happened.